Foundations of Digital Games
The International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) is an interdisciplinary conference on technology used to develop digital games, and the study of digital games and their design, where academics can present their work to a diverse audience, share new ideas, and find collaborations with different backgrounds.
FDG revolves around presentations of peer-reviewed papers, invited talks by high-profile industry and academic leaders, panels, demos and posters but also hosts workshops, a number of game competitions, and a doctoral consortium.
FDG 2020 is held in cooperation with ACM and ACM SIG AI, SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI. The FDG 2020 proceedings will be published with the ACM Digital Library.

FDG 2020 is possible with the support of the following Industry Sponsors:

Announcement: FDG 2020 moving to a virtual format
The Covid-19 epidemic has been at the center of everyone's thoughts and daily lives in the last months. It has caused suffering to many people throughout the world, and has disrupted everyone's day-to-day activities. In order to ensure the safety of conference attendees, as well as to allow for everyone to participate to the FDG conference, we have considered a number of options. In coordination with the SASDG board and the FDG steering committee, the FDG 2020 conference will be moved to a virtual, online format and will occur as planned in September 2020. More details will be forthcoming in the next weeks, as details for the logistics of this move become clearer, but this means that remote participation will be possible (actually, mandatory) and the registration price will be lowered to reflect the move to the virtual format. More details will be coming soon, so please keep yourselves updated from this site.